The regional office will provide strategic leadership support to the local churches and leaders in their efforts to provide transformational ministry in the communities they have been called to serve.
To intentionally contribute to the building of the kingdom of God through prayer, worship, evangelism, stewardship and leadership development, and community service.
The region possesses the potential to become the pacesetter for excellence in ministry in the Caribbean region (thus the name Paragon). The goal is to see this potential realized through vibrant, transformational ministry in our local churches and regional ministries, particularly in prayer, leadership development, worship, stewardship, evangelism, and community service.
S - Strategic
O - Open-minded
L - Loving
I - Informed
D - Disciplined
*Leadership Development
*Service (new IO core value)
Prayer is the lifeblood of the believer. All regional initiatives will be saturated in prayer and fasting. The regional office encourages all local churches to engage in as many prayer initiatives as possible.Worship
Worship is the heartbeat of the believer and thus is the heartbeat of the region. Every regional initiative will seek to bring glory to God by infusing an attitude of worship in everything we do, and everything we do should be an act of worship.Evangelism
The proclamation of the gospel is the (good news) of Jesus Christ. The regional office will partner with churches in the region to fulfill the mandate of proclaiming the gospel in every community where the church is planted.Stewardship
Biblical stewardship undergirds every area of ministry in the region. The region will strive to be faithful stewards of our time, treasure, and talents. “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2).Leadership Development
The development of leaders is a priority for the region. The region will foster the development of established and emerging leaders through consistent education and training initiatives. The region will develop a leadership pipeline that can assume leadership as the opportunity arises.Service
At its foundation, the word ministry means to serve. The local church is called to serve the communities where they have been planted. Serving the community is a powerful witness of the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 25:34-40).
S.O.L.I.D. & Regional Core Values
(Wednesday, June 9, 2021)
64th Regional [Hybrid] Convention
{Sunday, June 6-Saturday, June 12, 2021}