Children’s Ministry Director
Ministry to children is designed to inspire and direct the hearts and minds of children toward a relationship with Jesus Christ. No child is too young to begin the process of Christian discipleship and formation. Children are exposed to a world that is becoming more dangerous and hostile toward children. We are tasked to be the models of authentic Christian living to these gifts of God. We are also committed to training and developing our children into future leaders.
Family Ministries Directors
THEME: “…But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” (Josh 24:15, NLT)
The focus of the Family Ministries is strengthening families,
into becoming wholesome and biblically grounded.Vision: We envision a united multi-lingual, multi-cultural region with a sharp focus on reaching, strengthening, and supporting families in each local church through relational, relevant, and strategic family-oriented teachings, activities, and events; which will help them to strengthen their family bond, to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and to disciple other families.
Mission: To advance the kingdom of God by building strong, wholesome, and loving families, offering them help, hope, and encouragement to embrace the way of Christ, maintain harmonious homes, and walk in divine purpose. We will aim to define, promote, and celebrate the family structure and family role as God created and intended.
Goals: Foster and facilitate opportunities for families in the region to:
*Unite on a local, district, and regional level.
*Grow together with an emphasis on family life and spiritual disciplines.
*Learn how to navigate in a rapidly changing world.Objectives:
*To advance the kingdom of God by organizing and encouraging families to participate in family-based, stimulating activities, events, and cultural exchanges, utilizing available resources (tools and technology).
*To encourage families to seek a closer walk with Christ by offering teachings on spiritual disciplines, including prayer & fasting, bible reading, and stewardship of time, talents, and treasures.
*To empower families with knowledge on how to lead relevant lives in a rapidly changing world. -
Leadership Development Director | Men’s Ministry Director (interim)
Leadership Development:
The Paragon Leadership Development ministry offers the following training and development opportunities:*Quarterly Regional Training Sessions
*Ministerial Training Program (MTP)
*Paragon Leadership Academy (PLA)
*Paragon Pastoral Internship Program (PPIP)
*Foundations: Minister’s Development Program (MDP)Contact the regional office for more information on any of these opportunities.
Men’s Ministry:
The Paragon Region Men's Ministry aims to mobilize the men of the region to impact the kingdom of God through a commitment to Christian brotherhood, fellowship, mentoring, and community service. Kingdom men are needed more than ever during these difficult times. Our purpose and prayer are to fulfill our God-given mandate in the earth.
Media Director
Media encompasses all the various modes of communicating and sharing the ministry of the Paragon Region. Technology is critical in twenty-first-century ministry efforts. Social media and other virtual platforms have become integral to effective ministry and reaching a broader audience to which we can share the gospel. The region is blessed with highly skilled individuals who work together to integrate audio, visual, and digital elements to assist the region in accomplishing its mission.
Prayer Coordinator
“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,…”
(Eph. 3:14, KJV)Paragon Region Prayer Ministry is a dynamic ministry whose people pray together for the Region. At the risk of sounding redundant, “Prayer is the foundation of this ministry.” The goal is to assist Prayer Coordinators/Leaders throughout the region to make prayer a priority as they are equipped and deployed, encouraging them to continue to move from prayer being a duty to becoming a passion and a delight. Each Prayer Coordinator having a passion for prayer and enhancing the practice of prayer and intercession in their personal life and congregation will help build and develop strong local churches and, ultimately, a strong region.
This Ministry strives to have a united region held together by the power of prayer, linking the Prayer Coordinators with local, national, and international prayer initiatives, seeking to promote unity by building relationships with each other and the local churches. It promotes seasons of corporate prayer for the region, helping it excel. As we grow and become united, we see God's power manifested throughout the region.
Paragon Region Prayer Ministry endeavors to equip its coordinators and intercessors through encouragement and training to increase the frequency, consistency, and intensity of prayer in the life of individuals. This allows for bonding in times of prayer and fellowship to build unity and strengthen each other.
Paragon Region Prayer Ministry declares in this region,
“Prayer IS the steering wheel and NOT the spare tire,
and the Holy Spirit is the Driver.”
Public Communication Director
Information is power. Therefore, effective communication is vital to the operations of the Paragon Region. As a ministry, the communications function of the region is an essential part of the region’s overall mission. Information sharing and dissemination ensure that every member in the region is informed about activities in the region and other news from across the region.
Women’s Ministry Director
Women’s ministry is where women engage with God while uplifting and encouraging one another in their faith. The Paragon Region Women’s ministry is a community of women who gather for fellowship, sharing, and ministering to each other at online events, retreats, and conferences. We belong to a sisterhood of believers who seek to impact our families, communities, and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Worship & Arts Director
Worship is the vehicle that transports us from wherever we are to the heart of God. Worship is the heartbeat and breath of the believer. Without worship, our spiritual lives cease to be vital and impactful. The Worship and Arts ministry seeks to provide opportunities for believers to understand and embrace the power of worship through music and various other art forms. We are also committed to training and developing future worship leaders and those gifted in all art forms who seek to glorify God.
Youth Camp Director
The camping ministry is a vital part of the overall ministry to youth and children in the region. The camping ministry seeks to provide a safe environment for the region's youth to strengthen their Christian faith and develop life-long relationships with other young people. Many of our current leaders in every area of ministry are products of the Youth Camp. Youth Camp is a great place. The camp is held bi-annually at different locations with trained and experienced staff and counselors.
Youth Ministry Director
The Paragon Region Youth Ministry seeks to be a safe and fun place where middle and high school students can come and grow in Christian faith and understanding. This Christian foundation will help them be prepared to overcome the difficulties of peer pressure, doubts, insecurities, life-changing decisions, and tragedies. We desire that each young person has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and becomes an active learner of the Bible in a healthy family of God. We believe each young person will find that the Bible answers life's ultimate questions as they journey towards becoming what God has created them to be.